Thursday, March 17, 2011


Proxy :
Why do you Want to Hack School Computers ?

Before going to the actual matter related to the school computers first come to the point that why do you want to hack your school computers.I don’t know why? but I am giving you the common idea i.e what are the common goals that is directly or indirectly associated with the hacking of school compuetrs(I am trying to focus on some simple reasons you may have some special reasons).

Hence in general hacking school computer means

1. To gain administrative power to do some special task(That is not permitted to general user).

2. Students want to use social networking sites like MySpace,Facebook,Orkut..etc, whose access is blocked by default in most school computers.

3. They like to play online games, it may also comes against the school policy.

4. They may like to see pornographic videos or websites,and of course accessing these sites are banned by default.

5. Students also enjoy tempering with grades but administrative power as well as little research is required depending on the security policy of school.

6. In some schools accessing internet is totally banned for student account(Very bad!…unacceptable).

7. It may be obvious some times for us because we are humans and by nature we like to violate the rules.

Now it is little bit clear that why we want to hack our schools computers.Okay lets proceed to the next step –
1. Accessing blocked sites :

This is really very simple.What you have to do is just to use proxy servers.Using proxy server your computer will be connected to the proxy servers but you will be able to accessed blocked sites via proxy server , an intermediate server-computer that will do your work.Here is the list of some websites that will work as a proxy server for you.
Some websites that I had tested on my system and working fine :Just go the website and enter the website address in the url field.

Alternative Method : Get the IP address of the website i.e is blocked.Now try to connect using different form of IP address by typing in to your browser’s address bar.Type http and https interchangeably, sometimes it works.You can use the calculator(Click view scientific) to convert the number fr0m decimal to binary or decimal to hexadecimal.
e.g : or








This method will work if your school computers use DNS(Domain Name System) based protection.So if you can edit the dns mapping files that stores on the system(may be in each computer or centrally managed by the administrator) and used by browsers to look up the domain-IP table;then also you would be able to use blocked websites.
2. Hacking administrator account :

There are many methods to gain administrative power or to access or temper with all the important files on the system.To do this one of the simple method is to use a live cd or pendrive(It is simple.because what you have to do is to download the ISO file and burn it on a CD or you can make your pendrive bootable by following some simple steps) having any linux distribution installed(such as Ubuntu or linux Mint).

Switch on the computer and insert the live bootable cd into the tray.Now booting will be start fr0m live cd instead of hard drive(By default,in special cases press F2 or F10 or F8 to change the booting options so that computer will boot fr0m live cd or pendrive).Since the linux is able to mount all the major file systems format like NTFS,FAT16 or FAT32.Booting andloading will complete within two to five minutes.So after loading the linux into the computer’s RAM you will be able to mount and use or temper with the whole hard disc.Now you are done.Do whatever you want and after shutting down remove the cd fr0m the tray and the windows operating system will work as normal.(Assuming that you didn’t temper with the windows system file..Remember this point and be careful).

What will we do if the BIOS password is installed in the system : In general it is not the case but if it occurs then first try some default BIOS password.You can get the list of Default BIOS password on the internet after getting the name and version of the BIOS,that you will see at the time of booting.You can also try to reset the BIOS by opening the CPU case,Find the lithium Ion battery(having round shape like a silver coin).Now remove the battery and again put it in the same place after 60 seconds.
Some common passwords includes :
AMI cmos Biostar BIOS setup password
Award AWARD_SW lkwpeter AWARD_PW AMI!SW1
j322 h6BB CONDO condo admin 589721
award_? 1322222 256256 ?award Compaq last
AM AMI~ ascend djonet autocad BIOSPASS
AMIPSWD SZYX zbaaaca TzqF t0ch20x

Alternative Method : In old versions of windows you can also use simple commands to gain administrative power at the login promopt.This can be simply done by editing the system files which stores the login information.Follow these steps :

1. At the time of booting press F8 a boot menu will come on the screen,choose DOS.

2. Now you can change your working directory by using cd command.

C:\ cd windows

3. Next,type the command to rename .pwl extensions which contains the login information.

C:\windows>ren *.pwl *.pqr

4. Now restart the computer in normal way and type anything in the password place(when the login promopt will appear)You hacked! and know enjoy the administrative power.(in this method the windows will take this password as actual).

TeamViewer is probably the best desktop sharing software for Ubuntu 10.10(Maverick Meerkat).TeamViewer comes with different license terms – One for personal use(which is free) and other for commercial use.TeamViewer is a cross platform application,web based version is also available in commercial license,but here I’ve describe about the free version of the TeamViewer.So TeamViewer is very helpful in providing online help or assistance because one can control or see the others desktop remotely,so it’s also used for various business purposes.On Ubuntu 10.10 you can also use the desktop sharing features provided by empathy but I have better experience with teamviewer.

Installing TeamViewer on Ubuntu 10.10

#1 : Download the *.deb package/installer from the website.

teamviewer for ubuntu 10.10

#2 : Open the downloaded file with Ubuntu Software Center and click on install to proceed.
#3 : Wait for the installation to complete,then go to Applications->Internet->TeamViewer 6.

To share desktop with your friends,send the session ID and password to start a desktop sharing session,after entering the required field click on connect to partner.That’s All..Have Fun with TeamViewer in Ubuntu 10.10.If you have any problems then please share with us..through the comments!!